Me / Lewis Hemens

/ NaN min read


I started my career at Google as a Software Engineer in 2010 then Engineering Manager in London, leaving in 2017 to pursue startup dreams. We spent a lot of time hacking, then joined YCombinator, and after 12 months of product discovery ultimately started to build what became Dataform with my Co-Founder Guillaume-Henri Huon.

Dataform was acquired by Google in December 2020, after 2 years of building out the team, product and revenue. Today I continue to lead the Dataform engineering team having successfully integrated Dataform into Google Cloud and shutting down the original Dataform.


I like building things! I have a few strong opinions and interests - I always build everything I do with Bazel. I'm flexible on languages but prefer they can be typed, Java, TypeScript being current top choices. I enjoy coding for coding's sake a bit too much. I enjoy front-end development and think it's an under appreciated technical challenge. DevOps is very appealing problem to solve - I'm lazy and tend to automate early. I developed and continue to maintain the open-source asciiflow.

Most of the books I've read for the last few years are about neuroscience, AI, and physics.


There are 2 problems in the world that I find myself particularly motivated to contribute towards.

  1. Finding a grand unified theory of everything in physics.
  2. Building artificial general intelligence.

I intend to spend the majority of the rest of my career pursuing the latter.

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< lewish